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Blight Removal Program

COCIC demolishes blighted properties determined by the statutory definition of "blighted parcels" appearing in the Ohio Revised Code Section 1.08. COCIC has two funding streams for demolitions: General Fund (DTAC) Dollars and the Neighborhood Initiative Program (NIP) Demolition Grant.

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We work to eliminate hopelessly Blighted, Economically Stranded Properties through Demolition.

General Fund (DTAC) Demolition

With limited general funding sources, COCIC prioritizes residential and commercial demolitions projects within Franklin County and partners with local governments and community organizations. 

  • Environmental Receivership Program
  • Forfeited Lands Program
  • National Community Stablization Trust (NCST)
  • Tax Lien Certificate Program
  • Township/Small City Program

OHFA Neighborhood Initiative Grant

The NIP Grant is part of the Saving the Dream, Hardest Hit Funds administered by the Ohio Housing Finance Agency (OHFA).

The goal of the Neighborhood Initiative Program (NIP) is to stabilize property values by removing vacant and blighted properties in targeted areas in an effort to prevent future foreclosures in existing neighborhoods. Foreclosures result in distressed sales that further depress property values and demolition is a critical component of strategies to stabilize home values.

COCIC was awarded $20,868,366 by OHFA to facilitate demoliton of blighted, vacant , and abandoned properties. These grant dollards will be spent between 2014-2017. COCIC, in partnership with the City of Columbus Land Redevelopment Office, anticipates demolishing 1,000 vacant and abandoned properties through the grant.